Assignment 01

In this assignment, you will learn how to run deep learning experiments using the ElastiCluster-ClusterJob computing model. In particular, each of you will build your own personal SLURM cluster on Google Compute Engine (GCE) using elasticluster and then run massive computational experiments using clusterjob.

Please follow the following steps to setup your cluster and run experiments. This documents only contains the detail of setting up your cluster and testing that it works properly with GPUs. Once these steps are completed, you should conduct your experiments as assigned to you on Canvas. The details of the experiment will only be available via Stanford Canvas website to students who are taking this course for credit.



Please visit the frequently asked questions before you submit a question on our Google group.

ElastiCluster-ClusterJob Computing Model

  1. Claim Your Google Cloud Credit
  2. Implement ElastiCluster-ClusterJob model
  3. Run Your Experiment and Submit CJ Package to Canvas

Part-1: Claim Your Google Cloud Credit

Part-2 Implement ElastiCluster-ClusterJob Model

Follow instructions at Painless Computing Models for Ambitious Data Science to implement the ElastiCluster-ClusterJob model.

Run Your Experiment and Submit CJ Package to Canvas

Please run the Deep Learning experiment assigned to you and submit the reproducible CJ package on Canvas.

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