Stats285 Data Science Hackathon 2018

Participation in this two-day hands-on hackathon is required for students who are taking this course. If you are sitting in on this course and would like to take part in this hackathon, please send us an email to

  1. Meet Hackathon Mentors
  2. Time and Venue
  3. Structure of the Hackathon
  4. Challanges
  5. Presentation and Prize
  6. Acknowledgements

Meet Hackathon Mentors

Vardan Papyan Alon Kipnis Yaniv Romano
Morteza Mardani Pete Mohanty B. Narasimhan

Time and Venue

The hackathon starts at 8:00 AM on Nov 17 and ends at midnight on Nov 18. The event takes place at Wallenberg Hall-Building 160.

Structure of the Hackathon

You will be divided into working groups of 4 people. Each group will have an external mentor (assigned by the instructors). Your mentors are experienced participants who will faciliate the collaboration and provide insights and guidance when needed.


Please use the passcode you receive on Canvas from your instructor to log into Challanges Page.

Presentation and Prize

Each group must prepare a 10 min presentation about the challanges and the solutions they have addressed during the hackathon. One of the groups will be selected to receive a prize based on the quality of the presented work.


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