For questions, concerns or bug reports, please contact Hatef Monajemi (@monajemi) or David Donoho. This course meets Tuesdays 3:00-4:20 PM at Thornt110. If you are a guest speaker for this course, please read travel section to plan your visit.Follow Stat285 on ResearchGate (videos)
Stats285 Hackathon
Data Science News
- SDSS18 Lecture: Painless Computing Models for Ambitious Data Science (Monajemi and coauthors)
- SDSS18 Lecture: A Paradigm for Research in Data Science (Papyan and coauthors)
- Symposium for Data Science and Statistics by ASA, May 16-19, 2018
- Envisioning the Data Science Discipline (NAS)
- The State of Data Science (Kaggle)